Very recently, while speaking at the Women's Life Summer Conference, in Corpus Christi, Texas I touched on the subject of severe depression, stating "depression is a vicious, violent spirit whose sole purpose is to kill you or get you to kill yourself."
I woke up this morning to learn the greatest comedian of my generation has just committed suicide after battling severe depression; Robin Williams.
My heart and the heart of multitudes are struck with...
heartache, and one cannot help but to tear up when you hear more of the whole of his pain.
heartache, and one cannot help but to tear up when you hear more of the whole of his pain.
Yes, depression is painful. Your LIFE hurts. No one sees the pain of the soul; the brokenness of the spirit. It's not something you want people to know you fight and push through, every single day. It's not something that can be quickly "shaken off"; it is devastatingly exhausting, draining and fatiguing this constant war within.
Painful also, are the looks, sounds and positions some people have toward the subject of depression that spring from a lack of knowledge, lack of understanding; lack of patience with people who suffer this dis-ease. It is a disease. Just like any other disease, you cannot simply "shake it off" or "snap out of it."
There is nothing imagined about this disease called depression. It's not in your head. It's in your soul. Your mind, your will and your emotions are completely under assault by this thing that fights to make a home in you.
And no one knows it, but you.
My heart hurts for this man and for his family; and for those who suffer silently, as he did.
My heart hopes that those who are finding themselves pressed down from every side, and crushed under the weight of this sickness will not give up; will not give in. Keep breathing. Keep moving through the moments that seem to seize you, in the middle of your day... a step at a time; a day at a time.
That's what people need, who suffer this pain. Time.
Time to regain strength from the battle within... sometimes those bouts can take 48 to 72 hours to try and regain the energy that is drained from you, battling depression. Give yourself that time. Help the people around you know, that it's all you need. Time to regroup your sense of value and worth; to remember how those around you need you. Time to minister to yourself, the truth of God's Word concerning the situations that the enemy is magnifying against you.
The voice of God, found by reading His Word, especially the Psalms during your moments and bouts of unrest and unsettling. Remembering God's Word when you cannot read it... rolling the scriptures of His promises through your thoughts, mind and heart; through your spirit, soul and body. The voice of God, in this, will cover you; fight for you and bring you through.
Whether it is you, or someone you love there is nothing to be ashamed of concerning depression. The more I open up about the series of hardships that dropped me to my knees several years ago, how it nearly killed me for over 3 years of severe breakdowns AND HOW THE LORD HAS RAISED ME UP AND BROUGHT ME THROUGH, the easier it is for people around me to open up about their pain with depression. It's everywhere, and is affecting nearly everyone I come in contact with.

I no longer suffer depression... depression suffers me... God in me! The activated Word of God in me, stops depression in its' tracks every single time.
There is a time to heal, and it's all you need. Give yourself that time, alone with God and the fewest, closest people in your life who will cover you, and allow you time to heal. Time to get strong again. Time to love life, again.
There is healing from depression, no matter how severe, and that healing is found in the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray when you let go of everything, it is to take hold of Him.
Sandra and her husband Al, pastor New Life Ministries in Rosenberg, TX. They reside near Houston, in Richmond and are the parents of eight and grandparents of 18.
Sandra Cerda is an author and public speaker, pastor and worship leader. For more on her work, go to:
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