August 12, 2014

At the End of Your Rope?

   Are you at the end of your rope?  Most people are, given the variety and consistency of challenges faced with, daily.  Demands and expectations are made of us, from the moment our feet hit the floor, and until the last bat of the...
eyelash for the day, they continue without pause.  

   Exhausted from a day in the vineyards of others, leaves very little strength or joy for your own vineyard, home, life or family.  God’s Word warns against it.  In fact, the Bible has much to say about exhaustion and fatigue, and it's dangerous snare.  

If you’re at the end of your rope, jump on over to God’s.  There’s more than enough, to get you through.

Here are 5 key strategies I find most helpful
and you can use, immediately.   

When finding yourself to the point of you're last nerve:

   (1) Find a stopping point,
and take a break.
   Walk away and regroup, reorganize your thoughts and your focus.  Head to the kitchen and cool off with an iced glass of refreshing tea or something, and take a deep breath!  

While doing that, reflect on the finished work of the goal you're working on; remind yourself of your purpose, and perhaps motive, behind that project.  This will serve as encouragement, motivation and fresh perspective.  Have you included the Lord, in that reflection?  There is all the difference in the world, when you do.

(2) Incorporate a Hot-Flash of your own.  Find a way to do a quick 20-40 rep somewhere on your body.  I’ll hit the floor and do some leg lifts, stretching, or pump a little 10 pounder over my head, for a fix.  Get the blood and oxygen to your brain, and through your body!  Keep it up, by adding reps, and increasing your counts to 40-50, and so on, throughout your day and before you know it you have included a full day's of exercise in spurts!  Power Spurts!

(3) Grab a healthy snack.  Something, somewhat filling, not TOO sugary J, and has protein in it, if possible.  I like to switch it up, for example, with some lite-end favorites such as tuna with crackers, cucumber with tomato, breakfast smoothie, peanut butter and raspberry jam, malt-o-meal!  Moderation; remember, it’s a SNACK!  Check out some of my favorites, here.

(4) Get your mind, now, on point.  Find that Bible you pull out every now and then, blow off the dust and open ‘er up!, or go to Google, and type in the words, "Scriptures for ___", and enter a Keyword.  It's FULL of prescriptions for your situation!

Here are a few Keywords I've typed in before.
Discouragement? (I Samuel 30:1-8), Frustration? (Deut. 15:10), Need Direction? (Proverbs 3:6), Trouble with a Loved One? (Genesis 16:1-6), and so on.


And finally, just (5) Shut off the work; push away from it and put some space between you and it!  If you have little ones, sit on the floor and let them tackle you down, wrestle you down and help you burn off some energy.  Point number 5 has to do with getting back to the little things that matter.  Those things that are actually lasting and meaningful.  

Tomorrow is another day!

  What practices have you incorporated to implement refreshing and a spark of energy, in the middle or end of your day? 

   I would love to hear from you!  What are your most helpful tips? Let us hear them so we can work to incorporate them into our daily routines, and mix it up!

5 key strategies ~ 5 simple steps 
and you'll be well on your way to pockets of refreshing and strength, when at the end of your rope.
My former pastor, the late John Osteen often quoted, "when you're at the end of your rope, jump on over to God's."  I think that's some good advice!


Sandra and her husband Al, pastor New Life Ministries in Rosenberg, TX.  They reside near Houston, in Richmond and are the parents of eight and grandparents of 18.

Sandra Cerda is an author and public speaker, pastor and worship leader.  For more on her work, go to:
Email the author at:

Her books can be found online at and Barnes and Noble.  

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