There's nothing like smoothe sailing. Those times when we ask God, in the Name of Jesus, for something in line with His Word and will, and before long it's answered! What happens to us though when the opposite is true; when prayer is not answered quickly or
at all, or when delay or detours take longer than we thought we could endure. And yet, you're still standing! You are still doing much better now than without God's grace and mercy.
More than once, on Paul's journeys, the Spirit of God did not allow him to go forward on his way. God had a better plan. A divine appointment was about to take place between Paul and Lydia (Acts 16). A Holy Ghost detour, if you will, and Paul's openness to the voice of the Spirit of God, paved the way for the plan of God to come to pass.
My husband loves detours he calls shortcuts, even if they take longer to arrive at our destination. This calls for great patience on my part. Neither God, nor my husband, have yet to disappoint me with their detours. Somehow I have always arrived, eventually, to my destination with great joy!
Consider your way. Are you up against roadblocks or facing detours on your journey with God? There are surely no shortcuts with Him, but definitely detours and delays. If this is where you find yourself right now, just keep following Jesus. He'll not lead you astray or with no way through your situation. When it seems that God is not looking your way, remember His promise. If it's been a while since you've known His joy, get back into the Scriptures, and worship. He could be leading you through a way you've not known or considered. He may be leading you toward your divine appointment! Whether it's a detour or a delay, enjoy your adventure with the Lord. You'll grow a long way!
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