So much goes throught the spirit, soul, body and mind of a person who has just been given a negative report. We can pray those reports don't come our way, or to the lives of people we hold dear, but sadly, the winds of challenge to our lives do come, at times. One key to a way out is
preparation. Are you prepared for the winds of challenge?
When the storms of life come your way, will you be ready? Will you have to hear Christ's words: "Come out from among them, and be separate..." (II Cor. 6:17). For Christ to use those words to His people can only mean one thing: the people of God were still in some of their stuff. How often do we recklessly come out from under our full covering of God's blessings, by compromise or othr subtle ways of slack in our walk with God and with His people?
These are open doors of opportunity for spiritual and physical attack, even financial or in our relationships, but for certain with our health and peace of mind. Let's shut the door to the "stuff" we ought to be separate from, even from the stains of worldliness through our association with individuals, behavior, or anything of a "contaminating influence" (II Cor. 7:1). Position yourself, your life, for the blessings of God.
Decide; choose today to live a life consecrated and devoted to godliness, to the best of your ability...God will do the rest. Be prepared for those challenges when they come your way. Be prayed up, alert and ready! Be in the right place at the right time when the blessings of God are being poured out.
I do not know of many people today who are not facing major challenges in their lives. Those things come to us all. Preparation and a good, strong prayer covering of people who believe in miracles and in the tangible power of God is vital to us. There are no lone rangers in the family of God. We all need each other. Surround yourself with people who know how to pray and get results. Get plugged in to a strong church that will teach you how to make it through those trying times, and will walk with you through those storms. You should never feel like you have to go it alone. Help is only one phone call away. Rally the troops and let's start seeing more victory in our lives, to the glory of God.