November 17, 2011

Morning Glory Mornings!

     His mercies are new EVERY morning, just as sure as the sun rises and morning glories bloom!  God is the faithful rewarder of those whose
eyes are fixed on Him.  I want to be numbered among those whose eyes are fixed on the Lord.  I trust the Lord!
     I trust Him with my family, friends and foes!  I most certainly trust Him with my daughters; and He has given me a household full of them.  Together Al and I have four daughters, three daughters-in-law, and nine grand-daughters; our quiver is full of women of God!  These are daughters of destiny, in spite of their trials, tests, and tribulations.  These are daughters of promise and purpose.  My words over them must be accurate, and consistently anchoring in the Lord.  I pray His morning Glory over them, daily!
     I pray for daughters and spiritual daughters to rise up in Him, today and everyday just like the beautiful morning glories in my prayer garden rise to meet the morning sun; EARLY in the morning!  I pray for these women of God, in spite of their age, to continually radiate the glory of God, in their speech and the meditations of their heart.  I pray their God-infused giftings rise to the divine appointments throughout their lives, and they progress toward the finish line, of their race.  I pray for daughters, today.
    I pray that the daughters He has given us, dance in the presence of the Lord openly, and in the stillness of their hearts.  I pray their worship would be fragrant to God and a hopeful reminder to the lost; that God's mercies are new every morning.

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