No other time than the moment He's drawn near, is more precious than any other time in our lives. To everything there is a seaon and a time... but oh!, the glory of when He's drawn so near you can sense His face on yours; His ear to your very lips. There are so many things, so many issues and so many questions, not to mention the cries of our heart that can only be understood by Jesus. There is a "pressing-in" that cannot
be matched with any other desire; the ability to reach the heart of Jesus should supersede every desire we dare to entertain in our thoughts and hearts. I want to rise to the heights of experiencing the glory of His voice; the place where I am trusted with the secret things of God, the mysteries of the Master. I wonder often, what He must be thinking, if He thinks; yet knowing His Word reveals to us that His thoughts are centered around each of us, individually. I want to know Him, I want to be fully absorbed and consumed by experiencing the glory of His mercy, in such a way that I can help others find Him, yearn for Him, hunger for Him without measure... there is a place!
What do I say when His ear is pressed to my lips...
Will my words be pleasing to His precious hearing... will He desire to hear more?
How can I ever know how many incredible experiences in the Lord await me if I am not desiring enough to lay all things aside and fill my thoughts with Him: I hear Him calling me to "come on in to His rest; His goodness. yet what will I offer Him in return: Simply for the self surrender of my all, will He consume me. Nothing in this world matters, such as Christ. As much as I love my hsuband; as much I love my very own children, and love for my Lord overwhelms me...brings me to my knees. I fall to His feet and cling to the hem of His garment!, that my tears would be found worthy to fall on His feet... and when He lifts me in His arms and takes my face in His hands, pressing my lips to His ears...
what will I say? What am I really saying to Him when I do speak? Are mine vain repetitions, or outpourings of the heart? ~
WORDS TO LIVE BY: I have called upon You, O God, for You will hear me; incline Your ear to my lips and hear my words. Psalm 17:6
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