May 17, 2017

STRETCHED: Make Room for More

Once a stretch mark, always a stretch mark!  Have you been stretched?  I know our flesh often is, but what of who we are in spirit?  My life is marked with the stretches of my...
faith, or in other words, "my faith has stretch marks!" and I'm so glad!  I've not always been alert to the times and manners by which I'm often pulled into what I once thought were adverse situations, untimely circumstances or trials; now, I see the pattern.

Pioneering is never without a hint of peaked adrenaline shrouding the trembled vibrations of what flesh fights to fear.  With no trace of visible success from earlier successors, answering an invitation to tread the horizon of faith, where dreams dwell, is a stretch all by itself.  These paths are never lined with cheers of supporters; not everyone who is with you is for you.  Despite the narrow road before you, there is not much left that can be used against you, as you make your way forward toward the outpouring of the Lord.  If you're going to be filled and bursting at the seams with a thing, may it be with all that God has for you, and not what many would overload you with.

Making room in your life for more of the things that lead to life and flourishing, such as peace, joy, and love require some spiritual ‘housecleaning' and maintenance for success.  There is always room for improvement most especially where it matters, in the hidden heart of man; in the place of who we are when wrapped up in the heart of prayer and personal needs before God.  It is a place of intimate soul-searching; a threshold one passes through when you've emptied yourself of your self's list of wants, we vainly refer to as "prayer time.”  The God of heaven is so very patient with us all.  Knowing the truest of blessings can only be found beyond the veil of our self-centered petitions, although they are often "very-real-needs/wants," they are only the traces of our nature and still weighted with carnality.  It's good to get them out and before the Lord in your prayer time, but don't stop there.

Empty your heart before God in prayer until nothing else pours out, but don't stop there.  That emptiness must and will be filled with something; ask God to fill you. At that very moment, if you will simply ask, it will begin something so very beautiful in your life; to the overflow, if you desire.  Simply for the self-surrender of your heart before God, and honest request for an infilling; for an outpouring that will spill over into the lives of people you care so deeply for.

Often, many will stray in their thoughts first, then in their heart of hearts mistakenly believe that "it won't work." I say, "What if it does?"  I know it will, by experience!  Make room in your heart for more of God.  A little stretching never hurt anyone!

Sandra Cerda  

(c) 2017 Sandra Cerda.  All Rights Reserved.  Contact Toll Free 1-866-939-2309

Sandra Cerda is an author and publisher, minister and public speaker.   Sibella Circle Member & Visionary Leader, Sandra Cerda writes for Sibyl Magazine.  Get your FREE Copy of this wonderful magazine, here:  Sibyl Magazine

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