The term, 'breakthrough anointing', is just another way of describing God's abundance, realized! It is the will of God, according to His Word,
"that the people of God prosper even as our soul prospers". We rejoice when we hear of churches everywhere that are gaining ground against the kingdom of darkness. That is abundance. We cannot afford to fall into the "comfort zones" of life while there is still a spiritual battle happening around us. We are given a mandate through the authority of Heaven, to push forth and advance. It is the will of God. This level of breakthrough, though, does not come without cost; cannot be experienced by the casual Christian who entertain compromises and uncertainties, in their walk with God.
We are to evaluate each circumstance that arrives and prayerfully decide, when and how to engage it. You will always know when you made the right decision because of God's peace that witnesses with your spirit. It is that vey peace, with its source in God, that will carry you through to your final victory. People will criticize you one day and hug you the next. Some people are just like that, and you should continue to pray for them, but keep moving toward your victory. You know you have heard from God. You know what you vowed to the Lord to do, and you must keep your vow to Him, regardless of the circumstances and regardless of popular opinion.
I love to experience the "breakthrough anointing" of God's blessing. It has such a way of showing your enemies that God is indeed with you. The breakthrough anointing is a sign to a lost and dying community, a lost and dying world, that God truly is faithful, and blesses the faithful.
I encourage you to seek God alone, with all your heart, for Who He is, and not for what you can get from Him. The Lord seeks those who worship Him in Spirit and truth (John 4:24). Is He seeking you? Your breakthrough truly depends on the motive of your prayer, the motive of your giving, and the motive of your actions as a whole. Now is a good time to make things right with God and man. Clear the slate and start fresh all the way around. This is a great season of sudden breakthroughs. Don't allow all you "do" for the Lord to be hindered by something so simple as fleshly carnality, or wrong motives. Respond to God on His terms, and stick to the plan. God will bless you, abundantly and you will experience breakthrough!