November 08, 2011

Rest In The Lord

     We all need a refresher, but there is truly none to compare with that refreshing that comes from the overcoming presence of the Lord.  The book of Acts talks about "times of refreshing found , and that is what I thirst for, with a thirst that can be satisfied by nothing else.  Although vacations are good, of course, and time out with family and children is most needed, especially in the day and times that we live in.  I'm not referring to a vacation, though; I'm talking about 'retreating to advance'.   The Lord reveals to us, all throughout His Word, how we need to be willing to make time JUST for Him, just to hear His voice!  To be able to regain lost ground from the hustle of each day's duties; to be able to think clearly again. 
in the presence of the Lord

     When you make time, He honors you.  When you make Him your place of solace and stillness you find that He has been longingly waiting for you.  You!  He greets you with a warmth and exitement, a yearning deep desire to just spend that time alone with you!  Does God miss the way your relationship with Him, used to be?  Let me encourage you today to make time for God.  Surrounded by the many demands on your time and life;  the demands and pulls on your already full schedule of 'things to do', not to mention the emergencies and the unexpected interruptions throughout the day.  Make time for God. 

     Retreat to advance.  Retreat by pulling away deliberately, and studying His Word, listening for His voice, praising his Name; worship Him for Who He is, not for what He can do.  He is a good and faithful,  loving and more than willing Father!  Make time in your hectic, busy schedule, just for God.  Rest in the trust and confidence of the love He has for you; so much love that He will not break promises made to you.  Trust His ability to come through for you in His own good timing, and learn to stop putting time limits and unreal expectations on the Lord. 

     Allow 'grace-space' between your petition and your promise, as you lean on your trust of His love for You, and just learn to enjoy God!  Rest in the Lord today and put your worries behind you, or better yet... kick back and rest your feet on top of those problems.  Get them under your feet!  Rest in the Lord!  Times of refreshing are found in His overwhelming presence.

ASK:  Are my problems being worsened by my own impatience?  Where am I in my walk with Jesus, today?  Is there an increased hunger in my heart for the Word?, for Him?  Am I experiencing His JOY? 

Words to Live by:  And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God's people, lut us go right into the presence of God, with true hearts fully trusting Him.  Hebrews 10:21-22

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