December 16, 2011

Give Them Drink!

     Pouring from the heart of the Father, is a cry for souls.  Some lost, some wounded, some angry, some fearful.  So many things pour out of our hearts in prayer and in meditation.  So many things tend to take up our time in worry and frustration; people, work, goals.  Waht really matters?  Are we...
... tying up our thought life with the things of the hour, day, week, month?  What about those long term goals?, how much time is spent pondering those things over in your head, compared to the thoughts that center on Christ, and those things that are on His heart?  I believe the outpouring sole "concern" of the Father revolves around the shortened time we live in and are facing, and how many still do not seriously consider Jesus.  Are you a co-worker that radiates the light of Christs' countenance?  Do people think about Jesus when they consider your walk, or are you a "weed" made to choke the work of fellow laborers right out of the life of the lost, by how you compromise Christianity in public?  I want to be more aware of my actions in public, and my family members are part of that public.
     Some of my family members are numbered among those who have not yet seriously considered the Lord.  How am I handling that?  Will it matter to God when I stand before Him, enough that He will bring it to my attention "on-that-day?"  Too many of us are looking to be in "full time ministry", and have failed to start being faithful in reaching the lost among our own families.  These are convicting times we are living in today, and we are really on the cutting edge of failing at evangelism when we cannot influence those within our own reach. 
     Daily, plant seeds of love and water with prayer, the hearts and thoughts of your loved ones.  Put in some overtime this week in working harder to influence your family with the love of Jesus.  Put in some overtime in prayer and worship this month.  Put in some overtime in thoughtfully considering the things that are on the heart of the Father, as well.  Let Him water you with words of compassion for souls... some lost, some wounded, some angry, some fearful.  Ask Him to give you the strategy and words that will be received by those you hold dear, so they will no longer be lost, wounded, angry or fearful.  Give someone a drink from the Father's well, today.

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