Yes, I said 'preferential' favor. I believe there is such a thing, as much as I believe
that the Uncompromisingly Righteous spoken of in the Word of God, have an opposite: the Compromisingly Righteous. But that's another message...
that the Uncompromisingly Righteous spoken of in the Word of God, have an opposite: the Compromisingly Righteous. But that's another message...
Preferential favor is probably a good title for our 2012 Season. The Year God Favored Us Preferentially. It sounds a bit extreme, but He is. In more ways than I can say, God has extremely exceeded what we set out to do and accomplish. I for one, am grateful to end this year on a high note. On the Most High, note that is.
Helpers came through with a 'vengeance', of sorts. People of all ages came out to make things happen in our Community! People who had not been part of behind-the-scenes Activities and Events, or were not given the opportunity before, made it HAPPEN! Talk about going-the-extra-mile! By faith, these individuals came with what they had: desire. Money didn't make it happen; people did. God's people.
They're coming to us from as far as Cypress and Magnolia, Baytown and Beaumont. People want to be a part of one of the greatest things to happen in our Community in a long time.
I was especially blessed to have spent so much time with my daughters. Valerie used her gifts and talents in our Children's Ministry area, with artwork and paint. We had such a great time during our Community Christmas Event, that we kept going for two weeks after that. We've started making Huge, Beautiful Yard Art pieces, and are already finishing Easter pieces.
These are just a few. We had such a wonderful time doing them. Probably one of the sweetest moments was when Ali, our grand-daughter realized these were all taller than she was. She's four! Her face. Her excitement at seeing her favorite characters come to "life"; for her it was AWESOME!!!
It was a great year's end. But halfway through it all, we were expecting our little Anthony. What a beauty of a grandson. Anthony makes our 18th grandchild, and is Ali's little brother; her little prince, as she calls him. While we were creating the Gingerbread family, Ali was quick to point out that Prince Anthony was the smallest Gingerbread Boy.
They're coming to us from as far as Cypress and Magnolia, Baytown and Beaumont. People want to be a part of one of the greatest things to happen in our Community in a long time.
I was especially blessed to have spent so much time with my daughters. Valerie used her gifts and talents in our Children's Ministry area, with artwork and paint. We had such a great time during our Community Christmas Event, that we kept going for two weeks after that. We've started making Huge, Beautiful Yard Art pieces, and are already finishing Easter pieces.
Many of our Christmas pieces, though will serve as Starter Pieces for our Yard Art Themed Displays, next year. We've started the layout of our brochure, and it's all being done with donated wood and paint. Our costs are zero! This is just one way we can turn our natural gifts and talents to good use, in raising funds for our Children's Theater.
These are just a few. We had such a wonderful time doing them. Probably one of the sweetest moments was when Ali, our grand-daughter realized these were all taller than she was. She's four! Her face. Her excitement at seeing her favorite characters come to "life"; for her it was AWESOME!!!
Dora was a FAVORITE with kids passing by, enjoying the Christmas lights.
Well I hope to be better at Blogging this year, than I was last year. I last blogged on Mother's Day, and updated one article for Thanksgiving. It has been non-stop since our last blog. We spent the whole year laying the foundation for this new church work. We're still laying the foundation; digging deep! But I do hope to post more frequently, as I originally thought I would.
Regardless though, I'm learning to count it all joy, whether I find myself finishing my tasks as I hope to, or am a bit delayed. It's all good. I want to make sure I'm not hurrying through things, and missing moments. ~
I'm choosing to hold on to peace. Hold on to gladness and happiness, in spite of surrounding stormy-ness. I remain in Him. I'm choosing to press into the Lord for my molding, and not the opinions of those who love Him, and don't understand me. I'm still His. Whether understood or not. How cool is that?
Don't ALLOW what God does not ALLOW to be part of what makes you, you.
For me, this is the Year of the Woman of God; it's my year with the Lord. I want to take this year and RUN WITH GOD! I want my aim throughout the year to be accurate, as one who follows God.
I love the Lord.
In spite of heartache. I love the Lord.
In spite of unanswered prayer. I love the Lord.
In spite of anything that didn't go my way; I love the Lord.
I choose to be blessed, simply because of Him.
What a year! It certainly did end greater than I could have hoped for.
With Him leading the way in my pursuit, all I can do is Recover All.
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