July 05, 2013

Laying out new bones...

What an exciting time as a writer, to finally get a project completed, and published!  My books, three of them anyway, are finally finished.  What began as a few side notes, thoughts and ideas has become a sweet reality; but not without a whole lot of perseverance and determination. 

No sooner did I complete my newest book, Water Me, Lord! (available on Amazon.com), when my heart began to stir toward an entirely new project, and one so completely unfamiliar to me; yet, one that I had rolled over in my heart, for years.  My first...

... Children's Book! 

     As a writer, one knows how creative juices flow, seemingly without end.  I take what some writers call, 'writer's block' as a way to retreat, in order to advance.  Regroup.  Re-energize and replenish my entire system and all that writing a book takes out of you.

But, a Children's Book has been a long time desire for me, and so when this 'idea' jumped up in my heart almost like an 'open vision', I was immediately tuned in.  What I quickly found, though in my research was an entire arena of information and illustrations that were not fluidly available to our young market of readers.  That market being culturally diverse characters in child-friendly books, that would help ancestry trackers, such as myself pass on our stories to our children and theirs.  Or what about teaching our skills, creativity and gifting through children's books that include diverse characters and settings highlighting our heritage?

In a country as diverse as America is, I believe this open market is quickly surfacing, and writers such as myself are finding creative ways of expansion in order to inform and educate.
What an opportunity for storytellers everywhere.  Have you ever wondered if you could write a Children's Book?, or any book, for that matter?  God has a way of taking dreams, hopes and desires and making them an actuality.

Over the years my grandchildren have dropped interesting titles to stories that I have helped them put in "book form," mainly for their baby books, etc.  Things that get put away for years, until someone raids 'grandma's attic!' For some odd reason, I think that way;  tucking away little projects that we worked on during those endless arts and craft sessions that sometimes only a grandma has patience for. 

Now, I'm the grandma raiding her own attic!  In doing so, I'm coming across all these sweet early works, where without realizing it we were "laying out the bones" in forming the frame, for this quite timely and in-season project. A project that I will be able to continue working on together with MY OWN grandchildren you have to know, is a treasure. 

It's important to me as a writer, mother and grandmother to share stories that will tie our generations together.  Stories of how my family came to be, in these great United States of America.  I wonder how well this project will turn out, but more do I wonder the look on the faces of my grandchildren when they read a book about their own ancestry, and where they are in the line.  There is so much rich information in our family lineage, that our kids won't look up on Google.  I have to be their Google, for stuff like this.

So we're in the early stages of this new found mission.  Let the journey begin!  I for one, am up to the challenge.  One that I can only hope will serve a much greater need.  For me personally, I am content in knowing if nothing else, I will have served my own descendants in learning as much as possible about their ancestors.   I hope they will see how important they are, and how significant. 

To help them see themselves in those who have worked and fought so hard before them, from among their forefathers.  The women in our family lived very long lives.  Two were well over 100 years old, each with one passing at the age of 109, and another at the age of 115.  I'm sure my grand-daughters would love to find out this, and so much more.   I for one am looking forward to bringing the past and the present together for tomorrow.  Hopefully as well, I hope to stir you the reader, to find and to stir your own creative passion, and therefore  leave your mark to a young, waiting and attentive audience: your children's children.  They may not get around to valuing the message right away, but one day they will look for ways to know more about you... what better way than through children's books?

Sandra Cerda resides in the Houston suburb of Richmond, Tx.  

Contact Toll Free: 1-866-939-2309
For more on Sandra Cerda's books, visit her link on Amazon, here:

Email:  sandracerda7408@yahoo.com
Website:  http://www.cerdaministries.org/
LINKEDIN:  http://www.linkedin.com/in/sandracerda

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