She was offered $25,000 for her unborn child; she is 12 weeks pregnant. 23 year old single mother of two, found herself thinking seriously about this option.
Now, she had another option, other than abortion or having yet
a third child, from yet a third man. Another abusive relationship? Yes. Another man spinning lies, to get what he wants? Yes. Such is life, it seems; for some.

Probably just as gross, was knowing the offer came from the woman who would be grandmother to this unborn child. Let's talk about this child, for a moment... we'll get back to that grandmother in a minute.
Already facing rejection. Already a potential commodity... even as aborted. In this society, there has been a developed, unhealthy, scientific interest called "greed, a.k.a. "the love of money", surrounding unborn children; There is $$$ to be made, through the sale of fetal tissue. As horrible, and unimaginable as it is; there is no limit to what modern day 'mad-science' is willing to do. Nothing seems to be off limits. Reasons given, matter not. As Fox News, and other major news feeds continue to reveal, many of these transactions are not with tissue from unborn fetus' at all, but appear now to be possibly ALIVE when removed... as published just today. Born alive?
There is $$$ to be made, through the sale of fetal tissue. As horrible, and unimaginable as it is there is no limit to what modern day'mad-science' is willing to do.
Nothing seems to be off limits.
Reasons given, matter not.

Although her reasons were different than the goal of a "50 liver week", quoted by CEO Cate Dyer of StemExpress,
a recent business partner with Planned Parenthood, this'grand-mother' has offered quite a bit of "ching-ching" of her own to purchase this unborn baby.
Ultimately, stripping this baby from the natural family he/she would otherwise be born into; two siblings, and a large family of slightly-imperfect people, who work very hard and don't have $25,000 spending money, lying around for the next big "buy".
You shouldn't be able to buy a baby, like you buy a nice wall hanging, or pair of shoes.
How selfish. Instead of being a source of encouragement to this young, single mother. Instead of attempting to assist by all means possible, one woman takes complete, selfish advantage over another woman's distress. I'm tempted to list all the should-have's, could-have's, and would-have's for how this young, single mother might have been more careful, could have been more self-disciplined in the area of her sexual encounters, and so on...
The whole situation can be categorized as selfish, and self-serving. Why do less and less people stop to consider their ways? Where is any consideration for how all of this affects the children involved? Where is fore-thought or empathy?
Why does it appear that the level of emotional disconnect, with regards to parent-child relationships, increases and thickens? More and more grandparents are filling the post of direct parenting, for a serious lack of development and maturity, in the lives of young-parent adults. Young-parent adults cannot make the emotional connection that is absolutely vital to the healthy and progressive development of infants, toddlers and school-aged children, as the situation demands. Underdeveloped young people, are finding themselves in very responsible situations of having to be part of developing another person; a baby! Someone's life!
"My heart is broken. I have no words. What burns in my heart, and the reasons for it, literally consume me. Hours turn into days, and days into weeks as this is the story of someone very close to me. This is my daughter; and my unborn grandchild."
In my world, LIFE IS ALWAYS GOOD! In my world, we accept these circumstances as often difficult at first, because as a parent, as a mother and grandmother you never stop hoping that your child will reach some goals, even and especially through the detours that are lined along the road. We never stopholding-out for our child, and we make constant adjustments that are ultimately for the greater good. 

In my world, you don't offer to buy your grandchild, pay everything along the way, where once the baby is born, a mother can simply hand them over, and walk away... really?
In my world, that is gross and erroneous; the fruit of a twisted spirit. In my world, it is a form of rejection to the mother: "we want your baby, but not you, in our family"...
In my world, God is greater and will ultimately direct the steps of this daughter, because in my world, God is well-able to impart more than enough in wisdom, in how to manage unexpected blessings! If the truth, truly be told, this baby is no more than an unplanned, unexpected blessing... Life is Always Good! Life is what you make of it... and we need more good in our everyday lives.
Challenging. Yes.
Difficult. Painful. Yes.
Frustrating and Disheartening, Yes.
Rewarding? Yes and Amen!
In telling the story of Eve Ramirez, I can only hope with her, in an All-Loving, All-Caring God Who is well-able to reach our loved ones, and to turn-around, what the adversary, the devil means for evil. Evil?
Is it not an evil thing when these things are done, and callously without regard for anyone else, other than 'self' at the center? Is there not a strange evil that continues to target unborn children; continues to lessen it's urgency to protect the innocent, and make light of their innocence?
This young mom is keeping her baby! This young mom prayed in the middle of her distress. I knew I needed to share the stories of these two women; and am so glad I did. I know about the pain and shame of abortion, and have heard and read how most women never truly heal from it. That's not completely true. There is healing and a good life, even after those things have happened. A life of true inner healing, and wholeness are not far from the woman who turns to the Lord for that specific pain or illness. Life is always good, though. You cannot turn back the hands of time, but we can surely learn from the choices and mistakes that we have all made, as well as from unexpected blessings like this.
More and more grandparents are stepping up to the plate, assuming the great demands that raising grand-children can bring.
Eve Ramirez, is just one grand-mother who is praying hard to cover her children, and her children's children with fervent prayer, in this evil day. Prayers from a heart of love, and concern. Concern for the fact that more and more young women are finding themselves less and less able, less and less interested inraising their own children. Emotional disconnection is on the rise. More and more grandparents are stepping up to the plate, assuming the great demands that raising grand-children can bring; in raising the foundations of many generations.
In my world... I Am Eve!

(c) 2015 New Life Ministries and Sandra Cerda. All Rights Reserved.
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